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O NÁS - naší firmě + FOTOGALERIE - VYPNUTO !

                             Milí návštěvníci,  


  ráda bych napsala několik slov o naší malé, rodinné firmě s názvem

                                Náboženské a křesťanské předměty.


 V r.2007 jsem začínala nejdříve s malou nabídkou na ranních, nedělních mších v kostelích v blízkém okolí.

 Později kolem r.2009  přidala prodej ve stánku na zdejších jihočeských poutích a v r.2010  založila tyto

webové stránky.

 Naše nabídka je zaměřena především na drobné, domácí spotřebitele - rodiny, menší firmy, farnosti s

osobním kontaktem a   vstřícnou komunikací. Důležitá je pro nás spolehlivost - kvalita výrobků, rychlé

 odesílání zásilek, pečlivé potvrzení objednávek.

 Na starost mám vše já. I když jsem krátce v důchodu a stále pokračuji v této činnosti, pomáhá mi také

 manžel s maminkou, dle jejich časových možností ! 

 Když jsem zakládala a vytvářela tyto webové stránky v r.2010, neměla jsem velké technické znalosti a

zvolila zbytečně dlouhý název webových stránek. Nyní již nemám odvahu jejich název krátit, či změnit,

je uložen v mnoha vyhledávačích a inzercích. Takže děkuji za pochopení .... !  smiley


Často se nás lidé ptají, proč nemáme zaveden systém objednávání tkzv. „do košíku", jako je to běžné na

internetových obchodech ... Naše malá firma však není zaměřena pouze na prodej zboží, ale chceme

naší široké veřejnosti (hledajícím) přiblížit jiná, důležitá témata. Např. životopisy svatých, úryvky z bible,

názory a komentáře na aktuální situaci v naší České republice s videi, hudbou, filmy, dokumenty v rubrice

„Oblíbené odkazy. Na hlavní straně přiblížit  životy "Svatých" mají-li svátek … a další duchovní sdělení,

rozjímání, MODLITBY, které přinášejí klid a radost naším duším.


Setkáváme se s mnoha lidmi, kteří jsou „hledajícími" ! Ptají se často, existuje-li Bůh, proč dopouští zlo v

našem životě, co je to víra ? Odpovědi nebo povídání na tato témata ve sdělovacích prostředcích neslyší,

zcela zde vymizela, ve školách je situace podobná.

Místo krásných, něžných, křesťanských vánoc začíná převažovat na veřejnosti americký, komerční, povrchní

santa klaus a Ježíš Kristus je zatlačován bohužel kamsi do nenávratna.

Stalo se nám několikrát při prodeji ve stánku, že si lidé pletou kropenku na svěcenou vodu se slánkou

na sůl, či dokonce Ježíše zaměňují s P.Marií, protože mají oba dva dlouhé vlasy ! Je to k smíchu, či pláči ?

 Zájem lidí o duchovní oblast ale přesto i tak roste, lidé začínají přemýšlet o smyslu svého života.

Každý z nás přeci potřebujeme vědět, kam směřuje náš jedinečný život. Mít autoritu, která nás miluje, vede,

podporuje, neodsuzuje, učí, posiluje, ODPOUŠTÍ, ochraňuje a na kterou se můžeme s důvěrou vždy obrátit

a spolehnout. A to je jedině náš Otec, Bůh Stvořitel !

Ať se děje kolem nás cokoli - koronavir, lži, polopravdy a mnoho negativních událostí, které není v našich

silách změnit, kdy máme pocit, že na nás samotných nezáleží, s vírou v našeho Boha ale vše překonáme

i s našimi bližními, rodinami.

Vrcholí dnes doba, kdy Dobro svádí boj se Zlem. Postavme se na tu správnou stranu, je to velice důležité,

abychom obstáli při Božím soudu po ukončení našeho pozemského života !


Hlavně z tohoto důvodu vznikly i tyto webové stránky. S velikou pokorou předávat alespoň část znalostí

ostatním lidem, naši víru, budou-li mít zájem. S manželem jsme oba křesťané.


Přeji vám všem požehnané dny,

každý z nás ať v sobě posilujeme lásku, naději, radost

 a máme víru v budoucnost v našem každodenním životě !    


Hana Brdová - Náboženské a křesťanské předměty.




                                             Arcibiskupský palác Praha - Hradčany

                                    Oslava posvěcení katedrály sv.Víta 2019







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Roarnereulmotternigo - Новый форум Hack Mode

18. 10. 2024 19:32


BryanDon - Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!

25. 6. 2024 22:19


Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!

We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:

- Attract More Visitors: Increase traffic to your site using powerful link-building tools.
- Boost Your Search Engine Rankings: Improve your site's positions on Google and other search engines.
- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.

What We Offer:
- Xrumer databases: Specially selected and verified databases that will help you create quality backlinks and increase your site's visibility.
- GSA Databases and Keys: Easily integrable databases and keys that allow you to automate the link-building process and enhance your SEO.

Why Choose Us?
- Proven Quality: Our databases and keys undergo strict verification to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.

Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!

Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!

18. 6. 2024 16:31


Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!

We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:

- Attract More Visitors: Increase traffic to your site using powerful link-building tools.
- Boost Your Search Engine Rankings: Improve your site's positions on Google and other search engines.
- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.

What We Offer:
- Xrumer databases: Specially selected and verified databases that will help you create quality backlinks and increase your site's visibility.
- GSA Databases and Keys: Easily integrable databases and keys that allow you to automate the link-building process and enhance your SEO.

Why Choose Us?
- Proven Quality: Our databases and keys undergo strict verification to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.

Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!

Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.

17. 6. 2024 3:18


Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!

We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:

- Attract More Visitors: Increase traffic to your site using powerful link-building tools.
- Boost Your Search Engine Rankings: Improve your site's positions on Google and other search engines.
- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.

What We Offer:
- Xrumer databases: Specially selected and verified databases that will help you create quality backlinks and increase your site's visibility.
- GSA Databases and Keys: Easily integrable databases and keys that allow you to automate the link-building process and enhance your SEO.

Why Choose Us?
- Proven Quality: Our databases and keys undergo strict verification to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.

Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!

Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!

16. 6. 2024 22:31


Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!

We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:

- Attract More Visitors: Increase traffic to your site using powerful link-building tools.
- Boost Your Search Engine Rankings: Improve your site's positions on Google and other search engines.
- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.

What We Offer:
- Xrumer databases: Specially selected and verified databases that will help you create quality backlinks and increase your site's visibility.
- GSA Databases and Keys: Easily integrable databases and keys that allow you to automate the link-building process and enhance your SEO.

Why Choose Us?
- Proven Quality: Our databases and keys undergo strict verification to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.

Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!

Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.

10. 6. 2024 7:07


Do you want to experience the thrill and excitement of cricket betting with the chance to win big? Then we have an excellent offer just for you!

We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates. Whether you're an experienced bettor or a newcomer to the world of betting, with us, you can enjoy unforgettable experiences and possibly change your life for the better.

Why Choose Us?
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- Exclusive Bonuses: Receive special offers and bonuses for new and existing customers.
Try Now!
Don't miss the opportunity to experience the real thrill and adrenaline rush of cricket betting! Even if you've never bet before, now is the time to try. It's simple, safe, and could become your new exciting hobby.

Special Offer for New Customers:
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Contact us to learn more and place your first bet. This is your chance to experience new sensations and maybe hit the jackpot!

Best regards, https://1xbeticricetc1xbetti5.ru/

BryanDon - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!

28. 5. 2024 10:35

Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
What do our databases include?
• Active links: Get access to constantly updated lists of active links from profiles, posts, forums, guestbooks, blogs, and more. No more wasting time on dead links!
• Verified and identified links: Our premium databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker include verified and identified links, categorized by search engines. This means you get the highest quality links that will help you rank higher.
• Monthly updates: All of our databases are updated monthly to ensure you have the most fresh and effective links.

Choose the right option for you:
• XRumer premium database:
o Premium database with free updates: $119
o Premium database without updates: $38

• Fresh XRumer Database:
o Fresh database with free updates: $94
o Fresh database without updates: $25

• GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified Links:
o GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key: $65 (includes database)
o Fresh database with free updates: $119
o Fresh database without updates: $38

Don't waste time on outdated or inactive links. Invest in our premium databases and start seeing results today!
Order now!
P.S. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a high-quality product at a competitive price. Save your resources and start improving your SEO rankings today!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!

28. 5. 2024 3:25

Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
What do our databases include?
• Active links: Get access to constantly updated lists of active links from profiles, posts, forums, guestbooks, blogs, and more. No more wasting time on dead links!
• Verified and identified links: Our premium databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker include verified and identified links, categorized by search engines. This means you get the highest quality links that will help you rank higher.
• Monthly updates: All of our databases are updated monthly to ensure you have the most fresh and effective links.

Choose the right option for you:
• XRumer premium database:
o Premium database with free updates: $119
o Premium database without updates: $38

• Fresh XRumer Database:
o Fresh database with free updates: $94
o Fresh database without updates: $25

• GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified Links:
o GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key: $65 (includes database)
o Fresh database with free updates: $119
o Fresh database without updates: $38

Don't waste time on outdated or inactive links. Invest in our premium databases and start seeing results today!
Order now!
P.S. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a high-quality product at a competitive price. Save your resources and start improving your SEO rankings today!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!

22. 5. 2024 19:34

Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
What do our databases include?
• Active links: Get access to constantly updated lists of active links from profiles, posts, forums, guestbooks, blogs, and more. No more wasting time on dead links!
• Verified and identified links: Our premium databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker include verified and identified links, categorized by search engines. This means you get the highest quality links that will help you rank higher.
• Monthly updates: All of our databases are updated monthly to ensure you have the most fresh and effective links.

Choose the right option for you:
• XRumer premium database:
o Premium database with free updates: $119
o Premium database without updates: $38

• Fresh XRumer Database:
o Fresh database with free updates: $94
o Fresh database without updates: $25

• GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified Links:
o GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key: $65 (includes database)
o Fresh database with free updates: $119
o Fresh database without updates: $38

Don't waste time on outdated or inactive links. Invest in our premium databases and start seeing results today!
Order now!
P.S. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a high-quality product at a competitive price. Save your resources and start improving your SEO rankings today!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!

20. 5. 2024 21:37

Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
What do our databases include?
• Active links: Get access to constantly updated lists of active links from profiles, posts, forums, guestbooks, blogs, and more. No more wasting time on dead links!
• Verified and identified links: Our premium databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker include verified and identified links, categorized by search engines. This means you get the highest quality links that will help you rank higher.
• Monthly updates: All of our databases are updated monthly to ensure you have the most fresh and effective links.

Choose the right option for you:
• XRumer premium database:
o Premium database with free updates: $119
o Premium database without updates: $38

• Fresh XRumer Database:
o Fresh database with free updates: $94
o Fresh database without updates: $25

• GSA Search Engine Ranker Verified Links:
o GSA Search Engine Ranker activation key: $65 (includes database)
o Fresh database with free updates: $119
o Fresh database without updates: $38

Don't waste time on outdated or inactive links. Invest in our premium databases and start seeing results today!
Order now!
P.S. By purchasing GSA Search Engine Ranker from us, you get a high-quality product at a competitive price. Save your resources and start improving your SEO rankings today!
To contact us, write to telegram https://t.me/DropDeadStudio

BryanDon - Gargantuan discounts, get your website up and tournament at a common quotation!

7. 4. 2024 3:05

Hello! Crazy discounts, hurry up!
We are Drop Dead Studio and our goal is to help companies achieve impressive sales results through automated marketing.
I. [b]We sell fresh databases for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or pay for a lifetime subscription for updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b]![/i]

II. [b]We sell fresh databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are also updated monthly through 24/7 parsing and by connecting purchased databases from other sources.
• You have the option to purchase a one-time fresh database or subscribe for lifetime updates.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

III. [b]We sell our own premium databases for XRumer 19.0.18 — 23.0.3 StrongAI.[/b]
• The databases are updated monthly and compiled by us through selection of all databases + including fresh ones specifically for active links, or in the case of contact forms, those links where your advertisement will be sent to the website owner.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 40% discount only until 04/10/2024!
When applying, please indicate the promotional code [i][b]DD40%[/b][/i] in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

IV. [b]We are selling the remaining activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker.[/b]
• The activation keys are still available with us from the closed department that used this software, as we have fully transitioned to XRumer.
[i][b]ATTENTION![/b][/i] 2 keys left for sale activation key for GSA Search Engine Ranker with a 50% discount! Write to us in telegram: [i][b]@DropDeadStudio[/b][/i]!

V. [b]We can also help you choose and configure servers and virtual machines.[/b]
• We have 7 XRumer licenses running simultaneously 24/7, and we can also assist with setting up XRumer and Xevil.

Billyjaito - Faucet Collector Powerful New Faucet Robot.

19. 6. 2023 0:36

State of the art robot that automatically claims faucets and collects them into your own wallets.
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30. 5. 2023 0:31

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10. 5. 2023 0:22

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